Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira  
  • Programme Offered
Programme Level of study Cut-off marks at entry level in %
Ph.D. Philosophy Doctoral N.A.
M.Phil. Philosophy Pre-Doctoral N.A.
M.A. Philosophy PG N.A.
B.A. Philosophy (Honours) UG N.A.

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Syllabus Faculty Members Seminars Academic Excellence Excursion Study Material
  • Updated Syllabus
  • Syllabus
  • Faculty Members
Name of the Teaching staff Designation Highest Qualification Specialisation Detail Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Arup Kumar Dhabal
Associate Professor (HoD) M.A., Ph.D. Western Logic, Ethics, Kantian Philosophy,
Analytic Philosophy and Applied Philosophy
Dr. Samim Ahmed
Associate Professor M.A., Ph.D. Logic
Md. Faridur Rahaman
Associate Professor M.A., M.Phil. Logic
Santu Kandar
Assistant Professor M.A., M.Phil. Vedanta
Dr. Souvik Dutta
State Aided College Teacher I M.A., M.Phil.,Ph.D. Kantian Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Social and
Political Philosophy & Analytic and Continental Trends, Western Logic
Mrinmay Dhali
State Aided College Teacher I M.A., M.Phil. Logic
Ashim Kumar Chowdhury
Associate Professor* M.A. Logic
Swami Paradevatananda
Hon. Full Time Monastic Faculty    
  • Seminars
  • SESSION 2013-14:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Seminar Type Topic
    27.09.13 Sanjukta Bhattacharya,
    Asst Professor, Uttarpara College
    Extension Lecture Freudian Methodology of Psycho-analysis and Its Development in 21st Century

  • SESSION 2011-12:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    14.05.11 Prof. Gopal Ch Khan Former Professor, Burdwan University P.M. System (western Philosophy : Russel)
    1. Prof. Pradyot Kumar Mukhopadhyay
    2. Prof. Tapan Kr Chakrabarty
    1. Formerly of Jadavpur University
    2. Formerly of Jadavpur University
    1. Vedanta Pather Uddeshyo O Upay
    2. Mahavakyer Artho Nirnay

  • SESSION 2010-11:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    1. Gopal Khan
    2. Nalinikanta Brahma
    1. Former Prof, Burdwan University
    2. Professor of Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belur Math
    Aesthetics : Kant and Anandavardhana
    16.12.10 Indrani Sanyal Prof, Jadavpur University Bidhi from Mimansa Point of View
    28.01.11 Manidipa Sanyal Prof, Calcutta University Logic and Ordinary Language

  • SESSION 2010-11:
    UGC Sponsered Seminar
    Date Speaker Topic
    1 & 2 February 2011
    • Gopal Khan
    • Kumar Mitra
    • Amitabha Dasgupta
    • Gangadhar Kar
    • Raghunath Ghosh
    • Rupa Bandyopadhyay
    • Ramesh Ch Das
    • Subir Ranjan Bhattacharya
    • Prosenjit Biswas
    Development of Logic : Indian and Western

  • SESSION 2009-10:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    26.2.2010 Mamata Banerjee Former Prof., Dept. of Philosophy, Burdwan University Kantian tradition and logical positivism
    24.3.2009 Prof. Kumar Mitrae Rabindra Bharati University Chomsky’s Language Philosophy

  • SESSION 2008-09:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    4.9.2008 Dr. Gopal Khan Formerly Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Burdwan Kant on Moral Law

  • SESSION 2007-08:
    UGC Sponsered Seminar
    Date Speaker Topic
    • Swami Tattwavidananda
    • Swami Atmapriyananda
    • Prof. Jitendra Nath Mohanty
    • Prof. Madhumita Chattopadhyay
    • Prof. Gangadhar Kar
    Philosophical Thoughts in Bengal

  • SESSION 2006-07:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    2.5.2006 Prof Avik Bandopadhay Scottish Church College  

  • Academic Excellence
Under Graduate
Year Appeared Success Rate 1st Class University Ranks (First 20) Highest Marks(%)
2005 3 100% 1   62.3%
2006 6 100% 3   62.37%
2007 5 100% 2   62.5%
2008 10 100% 3 1, 20 (Jt) 73.13%
2009 8 100% 3 7, 8(Jt) 66%
2010 6 100% 1   62%
2011 10 100% 4 5 66%
2012 10 90% 4 2, 8, 10 68.63%
2014 11 100% 3   69.38%
2015 10 100% 9   72%
2016 9 100% 4   74.50%
All India Entrance Examinations after Undergraduate Course
Year Students qualified for admission to other Institutes (Institution-Number)
2016 RKMV-6

Post Graduate
Year Appeared 1st Class No of students selected in other tests for service and research
2015 13 11 NET-3, SET-3
2016 8 8 NET-3, SET-3, TET(Last 4 years' students)-23
  • Excursion
  • SESSION 2011-12:
    Date Place No. of Students No. of Monks/ Teachers Educational Activities
      Puri     Interactive Seminar in Sri Jagannath Sanskrit University, Puri

  • SESSION 2008-09:
    Date Place No. of Students No. of Monks/ Teachers Educational Activities
    Mar 2009 Murshidabad 12 2  
  • Study Material