Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira  
  • Programme Offered
Programme Level of study Cut-off marks at entry level in %
B.Sc. Economics (Honours) UG 50% in Aggr. And 50% in Maths (+2 level)

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Syllabus Faculty Members Seminars Academic Excellence Excursion Study Material
  • Syllabus
  • Faculty Members
Name of the Teaching staff Designation Highest Qualification Specialisation Detailed Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Debkumar Chakrabarty
Associate Professor (HoD) M.Sc, Ph.D Advanced Economic Theory
Tamoghna Mondal
Assistant Professor M.Sc Development Economics
Dr. Manas R Bhowmick
Assistant Professor M.Sc, , M.Phil, Ph.D Development Economics, Macro-Economics
Dr. Aminuddin Ali
Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D  
Swami Atmaswarupananda
Honorary full time monastic faculty
Br. Tattwachaitanya
Honorary full time monastic faculty
  • Seminars
  • SESSION 2023-24:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Seminar Type Topic
    Dr. Rittwik Banerjee, Associate Professor, IIM Bengaluru National Seminar Inaugural Sujit Ghosh Memorial Lecture

  • SESSION 2022-23:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Seminar Type Topic
    22-08-2022 Dr.Soumyadip Roy, Associate Prof. Jindal School of Banking & Finance National Webinar Impact Evaluation in Development Economics
    03-02-2023 Dr.Dilip Dutta, Retd. Member, faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia International An Overview of Economic Development: From Structuralist and Institutionalist viewpoint
    04-02-2023 Dr.Diti Chatterjee, Senior Manager, A2F Consulting GmbH (Offenbach, Germany) International Webinar Primary Data in Economics Research & Survey Solutions
    07-02-2023 Sri Laltu Pore, Assistant General Manager, SEBI, Mumbai National Economics as a career and a way of Life
    29-04-2023 Prof.Pradiptarathi Panda, National Institute of Securities Markets, Mumbai National An Overview of SEBI & Its’ role

  • SESSION 2013-14:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Seminar Type Topic
    07.02.14-08.02.14 Laltu Pore,
    Asst Director,
    Dept of Economics and Policy Analysis, SEBI
    Extension Lecture Educating Investors

  • SESSION 2011-12:
    UGC Sponsered Seminar
    Date Speaker Topic
    2 & 3 March 2012
    • Abhijit Sen
    • Ranajoy Bhattacharyya
    • Amitava Sarkar
    • Arijita Dutta
    • Anindya Sen
    • Sankar Bhaumik
    • Sankalpa Bhattacharjee
    • Subrata Sarkar
    • Achin Chakraborty
    • Ratan Kumar Ghoshal
    • Santanu Ghosh
    Indian Economy : The Last Two Decades

  • SESSION 2010-11:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    12.05.10 Debkumar Chakraborty Asst. Prof, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira Global Financial Crisis

  • SESSION 2009-10:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    4.11.2009 Prof. Subhendu Dasgupta Retired Prof., Calcutta University  

  • SESSION 2009-10:
    UGC Sponsered Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    • Partha Sen
    • Anirban Kar
    • Amita Majumdar
    • Prabal Chowdhury
    • Brati Sankar Chakraborty
    • Delhi School of Eco.
    • Delhi School of Eco.
    • ISI, Kolkata
    • ISI, Kolkata
    • ISI, Kolkata
    Quantitative Techniques in Economics

  • SESSION 2008-09:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    30.7.2008 Dr. Ramgopal Agarwala, Retired Senior Advisor, World Bank; Senior Advisor, Research and Information System for Developing Countries, New Delhi. Global Financial Crisis
    5.8.2008 Dr. Deb Ghosh, Formerly Attached to Universities in U.K. Risk, Uncertainty and Port folio Management.
    30.1.2009 Anjan Mukherjee Reserve Bank of India. Prof. of Economic theory, J.N.U, Centre for economics Studies & Planting School of Social Sciences. Regulation and Competitive Equilibrium

  • SESSION 2007-08:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Topic
    • Sugata Marjit
    • Biswajit Dhar
    • Subhendhu Dasgupta
    • Saradindu Bhaduri
    Trade Liberalisation and its Impacts on The Indian Economy
    29.8.2007 Sri Arghya Ghosh Entry Regulation :Some New Perspectives
    17.1.2008 Prof. P. Bardhan Globalisation and World Poverty
    5.4.2008 Prof Amiya Kumar Bagchi Industrialization in Global Perspective

  • SESSION 2006-07:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    30.3.2006 Faculty & Student Economics Department. Union Budget 2006-07
    6.4.2006 Prof. Mrinmoy Bhattacharyya Ex-Head of Economics Department, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira. Globalistaion and its impact on Education
    13.4.2006 1st Year Economics Hons. Student Economics Department. Student's Seminar: Environment Economics
    20.4.2006 Prof Maitreesh Ghatak Department of Economics, London School of Economics. State Vs. Market in a Public Delivery System
    22.11.2006 Br. Mahendrachaitanya Debate Competetion: Sikha Prangan Raagneeti Bijukta Howa Banjhonio. New vistas in the Economic Thoughts of Swami Vivekanada and Mahatma Gandhi: A Historical Analysis

  • SESSION 2006-07:
    UGC Sponsered Seminar
    Date Speaker Topic
    22 & 23 Dec 2006
    • Prof Kaushik Basu
    • Prof Soumyen Sikdar
    • Prof Udaybhanu Sinha
    • Prof Krishnendu Ghosh Dastidar
    • Prof Ambar Nath Ghosh
    • Prof Manipushpak Mitra
    • Prof Samarjit Das
    • Dr Debkumar Chakraborty
    Advances in Economics: Some new directions in Theory and Practices

  • SESSION 2005-06:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    9.12.2005 Prof. Santanu Ghosh Darjeeling Govt. College Extension Lecture: International Economics

  • Academic Excellence

All India Entrance Examinations after Undergraduate Course
Year Students qualified for admission to other Institutes (Institution-Number)
2023 IIT-JAM (Economics)-1, XIMB-1
2022 Jadavpur University: 2; Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics: 2; TISS: 1; ISI, Delhi: 1; St. Xavier's University: 1; RKMVERI: 1; South Asian University: 1; Rabindrabharati University: 1
2016 Madras School of Economics-1, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics-3, International Institute of Population Studies-1, CU-4
2015 Centre for Development Studies-1, Madras School of Economics-2, JU-1, Hyderabad University-3, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics-1, Visvs-Bharati-1
2014 IIT-JAM(Statistics)-1, Hyderabad Univ.-1, Kent Univ.-1, CDS, Thiruvanantapuram-1, GIPE,PUNE-1, Symbiosis School of Economics,Pune-2, IGIDR (For Interview)-1
2013 IGIDR-1, CDS-1, MSE-1, JU-1
2010 DSE-1
2009 DSE-2, JNU-2, MSE-2, HU-1, Gokhale-1
2008 DSE-2, JNU-2, MSE-3, Gokhale-1, HU-3
2007 JNU-1
2006 ISI-1, DSE-1
2005 ISI-2, IGIDR-1, Gokhale Inst-2, JNU-1
  • Excursion
  • SESSION 2010-11:
    Date Place No. of Students No. of Monks/Teachers Educational Activities
    Nov 2008 Deoghar 39 5  
  • Study Material