Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira  

  • Programme Offered
Programme Level of study Cut-off marks at entry level in %
B.Sc. Chemistry (Honours). UG N.A.

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Syllabus Faculty Members Seminars Academic Excellence Excursion
  • Syllabus
  • Faculty Members
Name of the Teaching staff Designation Highest Qualification Specialisation Detail Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Debasis Jana
Associate Professor (HoD) M.Sc., Ph.D. Physical Chemistry
Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya
Assosiate Professor M.Sc.,Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
Dr. Syed Sahed Riaz
Assistant Professor MSc., Ph.D. Physical Chemistry
Dr. Sekhar Gain
Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry
Dr. Anirban Samanta
Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D. Physical Chemistry
Dr. Asadulla Mallick
Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D.
Sudip Subba
Assistant Professor M.Sc. Physical Chemistry
  • Seminars
  • SESSION 2018-19:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Seminar Type Topic
    18.01.19 Dr. Rahul Banerjee
    Dept. of Chemistry IISER Kolkata
    Endowment Porous Framework Materials: What are they good for?
    20.07.18 Dr.Biswarup Jash
    University of Stuttgart, Germany
    International 1H-Imidazo [4,5-f][1,10] phenanthroline as a verstile nucleobase surrogate in metalmodified nucleic acids
    13.07.18 SrimanKunal Choudhury
    Class XI, Netaji Vidyapith, Tripura
    International New Theory on speculation about Periodic Table
    WB-DST SPONSERED SEMINAR (National Science Day)
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    28.02.19 1. Dr.Soumyakanti Khatua
    2. Dr.Debdipta Basu
    1. Dept.of Chemistry, IIT Gaandhinagar
    2. Director &Center Head, IRMA East center
    1. Fascinating world of nanoscale gold
    2. Rubber as functional materials: origin to end use
  • SESSION 2017-18:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Seminar Type Topic
    26.08.17 Dr. Priyotosh Dutta
    Dept. of Chemistry, Ananda Mohan College, Kolkata
    Institutional Exploring the Quantum World: A journey by a cartoonist
    18.11.17 Prof.Debasis Das
    Dept. of Chemistry, Calcutta University Reader_F, TIFR, Hyderabad
    Extension Introduction to Organometallic Chemistry
    03.01.18 Dr.Anukul Jana Department of Chemistry TIFR, Hyderabad Extension Recent Advances in Main Group Chemistry: Compounds involving Low-Valent low-coordinate
  • SESSION 2016-17:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Seminar Type Topic
    30.08.16 Dr.Sayam Sengupta
    Deptt. of Chemistry IISER Kolkata
    Endowment Bio-inspired Oxidation Catalysts for a sustainable Future
    10.09.16 Dr.Dibakar Das
    Department of Chemistry University of Hyderabad
    Extension Nanoscience and Technology – an introductory overview
    12.04.17 Prof. Tapas Chakraborty
    Head, Department of Physical Chemistry Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
    Extension Spectroscopy – An introduction
    19.04.17 Prof. Tapas Chakraborty
    Head, Department of Physical Chemistry Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
    Extension Molecular Spectroscopy
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    6th & 7th January 2017 1. Prof.Asutosh Ghosh
    2. Prof.Samaresh Bhattacharya
    3. Dr. Subhas Pan
    4. Dr. Abhishek De
    5. Prof.UdayMoitra
    6. Prof.Indrani Bose
    7. Dr.Pinaki Chowdhury
    1. C.U.
    2. J.U.
    3. IIT Kharagpur
    4. IACS, Kolkata
    5. IISc, Bangalore
    6. Bose Institute
    7. C.U.
    Chemistry Education and Research in daily Life"- (in collaboration with Jadavpur University)
  • SESSION 2015-16:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Seminar Type Topic
    02.01.16 Dr.Soumen Ghosh
    Deptt. of Chemistry Michigan State University, USA
    International Recent Trends in Chemical Research
  • SESSION 2014-15:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Seminar Type Topic
    13.03.15 Dr. Debabrata Maiti
    Department of Chemistry IIT Mumbai
    Endowment Selective C-H Functionalization Reactions
    09.02.15 Subha Mukherjee
    University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, USA
    National Mechanistic and Synthetic Studies on Prochlorosin and Cytolysin Families of Lanthipeptide
    25.07.14 Prof. Ana C M Rodrigues University of Sao Carlos, Brazil International Scopes and Researches in Materials Sciences
  • SESSION 2013-14:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Seminar Type Topic
    26.08.13 S Bagchi,
    Emeritus Professor,
    Presidency College
    Regional Thermodynamics Revisited
    09.01.14 Jagannath Mandal,
    Columbia University, USA
    International Simulating at Multiple Scale
    16.01.14 Somnath Bakshi,
    University of Wisconsin,
    Madison, USA
    International Study of Spatial Biology
    19.02.14-20.02.14 Prof Sabyasachi Sarkar,
    Emeritus Professor,
    IIEST, Kolkata
    Extension Lecture Valency and Bonding
    24.02.14 Supriyo Pratihar,
    Max Plank Institute, Germany
    Extension Lecture HNMR of Proteins
    07.04.14 Prof Sanjay Bhar,
    Jadavpur University
    Extension Lecture Green Chemistry
    10.04.14 Prof K P Dhara,
    Calcutta University
    Extension Lecture Mass Spectroscopy

  • SESSION 2010-11:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    23.07.10 Dipankar Pramanik John Hopkine's University, School of Medicine, USA RGDK: Lippopeptides in anti-angiogenic Cancer Therapy
    31.01.11 Pradip Chakraborty University of Geneva, Switzerland Spin Cross-over Concept & Underlying Photophysics at a Fundamental Level
    17.03.11 Dilip Kr Maity BARC, Trombay Molecular Level Understanding of Hydration of Ions : Size Selected Cluster Spectroscopy

  • SESSION 2009-10:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    1.8.2009 Santanu Maity Ph.D. Scholar, University of Geneva, Switzerland Artificial Tounge and leaves
    22.8.2009 Dr.Dibakar Das Hyderabad University Synthesis and Characterisation of wide band gap semiconductor for High Performance Electronics & Optoelectronics Application
    12.12.2009 Pradip Taraphdar Hyderabad School of Chemistry, Hyderabad Drug activity in Biological system
    15.1.2010 Prof. Tadhg Begley Texas A & M University, USA Thiamin biosynthesis: Still yielding sascunating biological chemistry

  • SESSION 2009-10:
    UGC Sponsered Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    25 & 26 February 2010
    • Prof. Debashis Mukherjee
    • Prof. Rabindranath Mukherjee
    • Dr.Dilip Kumar Maity
    • Prof. Kankan Bhattacharyya
    • Prof. Animesh Chakraborty
    • Dr.Soumen Hajra
    • Prof. Asutosh Ghosh
    • Prof. Santanu Bhattacharya
    • Prof. Debshankar Ray
    • IACS, Kolkata
    • IIT Kanpur
    • BAARC, Trombay
    • IACS, Kolkata
    • IACS, Kolkata
    • IIT, Kharagpur
    • C.U. Kolkata
    • IISC, Bangalore
    • IACS, Kolkata
    "Frontier Areas of Chemistry- A Modern Perspective"- (in colaboratiion with Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science)

  • SESSION 2008-09:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    12.11.2008 Dr. Hirak Chakraborty Ex- student Hemaglutinin peptical reduces the activation energy for the membrane fusion (Membrane Biophysics)
    03.01.2009 Pradip Chakraborty Ex- student Study of compositionally graded perovskite. Ferro electric thin film.
    Biswajit Bandyopadhyay Gas phase laser spectroscopy metal-water complexes

  • SESSION 2007-08:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    26.11.2007 Dr. Tarasankar Pal IIT, Kharagpur Synthesis and Application of Metal Nano Particles
    1.2.2008 Dr. Arani Chanda PhD, U.S.A. Green Chemistry in and on water.

  • SESSION 2007-08:
    Whole Day Seminar
    Date Speaker Topic
    • Prof. Sabyasachi Sarkar
    • Prof. Anil Kumar De
    • Prof. Manju Ray
    • Prof. Samaresh Bhattacharya
    • Dr. Sayam Sengupta
    Chemistry of Elements and its Role in Life Process

  • SESSION 2006-07:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    18.4.2006 Dr. Raj Sekhar Paul PhD. Student, Max Planc Institute of BioPhysics, Department of Molecular membrane Biology, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Coupling of electron and proton transfer in Quinol: Fumarate reductase from bacterial Wolinella succinogenes.

  • SESSION 2005-06:
    Departmental Seminar
    Date Speaker Institution & Dept. Topic
    • Prof. Animesh Chakraborty
    • Prof. Debashis Mukherjee
    • President, Chemical Research Society of India
    • Director, Indian Association for Cultivation of Science
    Half-day Seminar "Celebration of National Chemistry Week"

  • Academic Excellence
Under Graduate
Year Appeared Success Rate 1st Class University Ranks (First 20) Highest Marks(%)(CGPA)
2005 24 100% 19 3, 7 76%
2006 22 100% 19 3,8 (Jt) 82%
2007 26 100% 15 3 (Joint), 10 76.63%
2008 27 100% 27 3, 5, 9, 13 (Jt), 18 (Jt), 19, 20 79.63%
2009 30 100% 27 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 16, 20 77.25%
2010 24 100% 20 7, 8(Jt), 11(Jt), 13(Jt), 15(Jt) 75.63%
2011 26 100% 26 6, 10 78.63%
2012 27 100% 27 5, 8, 10, 17 83.75%
2014 29 100% 28   85.88%
2015 30 100% 28   83.87%
2016 22 100% 22   86.62%
2017 25 100% 23   85.25% (9.37)
2018 24 100% 22   88.1% (9.65)
2019 26 100% 23   88.0% (9.40)
2020 25 100% 25   89.12% (9.56)

Post Graduate
Year Appeared 1st Class No of students selected in other tests for service and research
2014 19 19 NET-2, GATE-10
2015 18 18 GATE-14
2016 24 24 NET-2, GATE-18, TET(Last 4 years' students)-4

Academic Acheivements
Year Student Name of the Achievement Other
2011 Utsarga Adhikary, B.Sc. 1st yr Awarded JBNSTS for pursuing UG and PG studies.
2014 Kaustav Dey and Sankarsan Biswas Publication: J. of Chem. Sc. Vol. 127, No.2, 2015, 281-293 Guide: Dr.Debasis Koley IISER Kolkata
2015 Sourav Dey Publication: J. of Phys. Chem. A Vol. 119, 2015, 5732-5741 Guide: Dr.Tapan Kr Ghanty BARC, Mumbai

All India Entrance Examinations after Undergraduate Course
Year IIT-JAM Ranks (within 20) Students qualified for admission to other Institutes (Institution-Number)
2005 3, 5, 9 IIT-20, IISc-2
2006 3, 8 IIT-16, IISc-1
2007 4, 17, 20 IIT-21, IISc-2
2008 2, 3, 7, 9, 17, 18 IISc-1, TIFR-1, IIT-27, IACS-1
2009 6, 8, 15 IISC-2, IACS-1, IIT-27, TIFR-1,JNCSR-2
2010 6, 11, 16 IISC-2, IIT-22
2011 6, 8, 13, 16 IISC-4, IACS-2
2012 4, 12  
2013   TIFR-4, Cultivation of Science-1, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research-1, IISC-1, IIT-19, HU-24, R.K.M. Residential College-1
2014 3, 8, 13 IIT-29, Hyderabad Univ.-7, TIFR, Mumbai-2, IACS-1, Pondicherry Univ.-2
2015 7, 11, 18 TIFR-2, Indian Association for Cultivation of Science, Kolkata-1, IIT-JAM-30, IIT,Chennai-1, University of Hyderabad-20, Pondicherry University-2
2016 12 IIT-JAM-9, IISc,Bangalore-1, TCIS,Hyderabad-1, Pondicherry University-1
2017 42 IIT-JAM - 25, TIFR, Bangalore – 1, IACS – 1, Hyderabad University – 1, Calcutta University – 3
2018 21, 33, 38 IIT-JAM – 24, TIFR, Hyderabad - 1, NIT Allahabad - 1, IISER, Bhopal - 1, Hyderabad University – 2, Calcutta University – 1
2019 4, 21, 40, 43, 47 IIT – JAM – 24, IISER, Pune – 1, IISER, Kolkata – 1, Calcutta University – 5, Central University of Punjab – 1
2020 8, 33 IIT-JAM – 20, JNCASR, Bangalore – 2, TIFR, Mumbai – 1, Calcutta University – 1
  • Excursion
  • SESSION 2010-11:
    Place Date Educational Activities
    Deoghar September-October 2010  

  • SESSION 2009-10:
    Place Date Educational Activities
    Rajgir, Nalanda, Gaya 10-14 November 2009  

  • SESSION 2008-09:
    Place Date No. of Students No. of Monks/Teachers Educational Activities
    Tatanagar, Ghatshila Nov 2008 45 6 TISCO visit